The Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance (GSWA) is committed to protecting and improving water quality within the City of Greater Sudbury and area. GSWA advocates for healthy watersheds through best management practices and natural infrastructure. We represent a number of Stewardship groups who are members of the GSWA and also members of the community who support efforts to create awareness of the importance of conservation and environmental practices.
Note: Stewardship groups pay an annual membership fee, but individuals who wish to join can do so at no cost. We especially welcome younger members who are concerned about present and future water quality.
Visit our BLOG page to see latest news including Information on High Salt Levels in Area lakes, new shoreline restrictions, guide to aquatic plants, winter traction aids plus meeting minutes etc. Our About Us page lists our board members, contacts and our Mission, Vision and Values
The GSWA has been active since 2007 leading and collaborating in many initiatives such as those listed below:
- Hosted water-quality educational events like Milfoil Madness, Septic Social & Our Salt Forum
- Advocated for the City of Greater Sudbury (CGS)’s phosphorus management by-law
- Continuing to work on methods to control Eurasian Water Milfoil
- Worked closely with CGS Watershed Advisory Committee & Environmental Initiatives staff on information sheets for public distribution – Invasive Species, Responsible Ice Fishing & Salt Use.
- Provided input to the Budget Process, Official Plan and Water & Wastewater Management Plan
- Worked on survey of salt levels in drinking water from Ramsey Lake and made submission with respect to limiting salt to this and other urban waterways by limiting new and expanded roadways in the watershed of these sensitive water bodies (see blog page).
- Conducted expert forum on water quality issues (see below)
- Our many months of winter weather ice and snow present many challenges for drivers and pedestrians. No one wants to harm the environment with De-Icers and Traction Aids. GSWA has compiled a list of these products for your information. Of course it is always recommended to drive and walk with caution A pdf version of the guide for printing, posting and distribution can be found here: GSWA Jan 2021 Decision Aid to Ice Melts and Traction Aids
Troubled Waters Forum: The Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance arranged for an on-line 2021 Forum entitled “Troubled Waters” which featured presentations by five internationally recognized research experts and they can be accessed through this link on the GSWA YouTube channel:
SubWater Quality Study Updates:
Sudbury enjoys Subwatershed Studies completed: For detailed information on the two subwatershed studies, Junction Creek and Ramsey Lake supported by the province which were released after several years you can click on this link: https://www.greatersudbury.ca/live/environment-and-sustainability1/lake-health/watershed-study/ and examine the reports. We are waiting the next stage in the process as of the beginning of 2022
Background: Your can view combined submissions as of April 2020 for the Ramsey Lake Subwatershed study by the GSWA, The Minnow Lake Restoration Group, Coalition for a Liveable Sudbury, Vermilion River Stewardship and from two citizens by clicking this link: http://gswa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Ramsey-Watershed-Study-Submissions.pdf
Comments on the Junction Creek Subwatershed Study and Stormwater Master Plan by the Junction Creek Stewardship Committee, The Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance and The Coalition for a Livable Sudbury can be accessed by clicking this link:http://gswa.ca/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Comments-Junction-Creek-Sudy.pdf
Salt Threat to the Environment – Human and Aquatic: GSWA meeting on this subject” GSWA ROAD SALT DISCUSSION Summary Report
More information on the salt “issue” on our “Blog page.
How to manage salt in your own environment
GSWA meetings are attended by member groups and individulas and interested public are also invited. During and since COVID most meetings are held via ZOOM. A copy of our constitution can be found on the “About Us” page. Visit our BLOG page to see latest news – meeting minutes, upcoming events etc.