Archive for the Road Salt Category

Media Release: Road Salt Discussion – Summary

Coverage on Media Release:

Winter road salt slowly killing a lake, by Marc Montgomery, RCI – Radio Canada

Salt, chloride levels in Sudbury’s Ramsey Lake reaching critical levels, water group warns, by Jessica Pope, CBC News

MEDIA RELEASE – For Immediate Release: 10 April 2018

GSWA Road Salt Discussion – Summary Report

SUDBURY – The Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance (GSWA) is pleased to announce the release of its Road Salt Discussion – Summary Report (Summary Report), resulting from the Road Salt Discussion event held on 5 February 2018, at the Vale Living with Lakes Centre. This Summary Report is derived from a transcript of the event, and provides a comprehensive overview of the key concerns, comments, and potential solutions presented at the event to address the growing road salt dilemma. Read more

Road Salt Discussion – Summary Report

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Lower Vermilion Source Water Quality Monitoring Project, by Vermilion River Stewardship

A presentation made at the GSWA General Meeting on Monday, 9 April 2018 – by Sheri Johnson and Linda Heron:

GSWA Road Salt Discussion – 5 February 2018

Event Media Coverage – February 2018:

CBC Morning North – Dr. John Gunn: Is there too much salt in Sudbury Lakes?
CBC News – Dr. John Gunn: Panel on salt in Ramsey Lake part of a larger conversation 
The Sudbury Star – Dr. John Gunn: Letter: Smart water technology needed
The Sudbury Star: Letter: Sudbury needs to tackle road salt problem
The Sudbury Star: Sudbury’s ‘challenging time-bomb’ Road salt is damaging Ramsey Lake and we’re not doing enough about it: Panel
CTV News: Can salt levels in lakes affect blue-green algae growth?
CTV News: How salty is Sudbury’s Ramsey Lake?
The Sudbury Star: Is there too much salt in Sudbury’s drinking water?

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MEDIA RELEASE: GSWA Panel Discussion on Road Salt

For Immediate Release: 30 January 2018

SUDBURY – The Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance (GSWA) is hosting a Panel Discussion on Road Salt on 5 February 2018, 7:00 pm, at the Vale Living with Lakes Center, 935 Ramsey Lake Road.   The public is invited to this open forum to learn more about the growing problem of road salt entering into our freshwater lakes, rivers and aquifers. 

Increasing sodium and chloride levels from road salt is a cause for concern, especially in water bodies that are sources of our drinking water.

Scientists and municipalities across North America are struggling to find solutions to the problem of chloride and sodium used to de-ice paved surfaces.  There are few mitigation methods, and currently there is no practical way to remove salt from our drinking water, or the environment.

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Rezoning to permit a place of amusement in the form of a Casino – Sudbury

Our particular concern with respect to the above noted applications is the establishment of large hard surface parking areas within the Ramsey Lake Watershed, the source of drinking water for over 50,000 City residents. Such a large parking area will require winter maintenance that will undoubtedly result in a significant increase in sodium and chloride concentrations in Ramsey Lake, which has already increased by approximately 60 percent since 1990.

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Road Salt Contamination – Ramsey Lake Sub-Watershed Study

The Greater Sudbury Watershed Alliance is concerned that the rising levels of sodium and chloride, elements of road salt, in Ramsey Lake may not be given the attention deserved. It is widely recognized that increased levels of sodium can have a detrimental effect on human health, and that elevated levels of chloride can adversely affect aquatic life.

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City of Greater Sudbury 2016-2017 Budget

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Watershed Study Funding and Parking at Old St. Joe’s, to City Council

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